Friday, October 10, 2008


I just woke up from possibly the best sleep I have had in a month. Not that I was having crappy (or as one of my clients likes to say crappity) sleeps all along, they were just nothing to rave about; some tossing, some turning, some intense dreaming, some hot feet, someone's knee in my leg space on occasion. I was getting enough rest but once in a while it's nice to have the cadillac of sleeps, the kind that can only be described as delicious. The kind you don't want to hear about when you've laid awake all night and someone else is telling you how fresh as a daisy they feel. It truly makes me realize how important it is to do whatever we can to get a good night's sleep. I know mom's, night owl's, artist's, teenager's and insomniac's have a greater cross to bear than most in the sleep deprivation department, but man oh man, what a difference it makes. It reminds me of going to the chiropractor, because when he's done cracking and snapping me, the world is just a brighter place, colors are vibrant again and my senses are re-engaged. For the scientific final word to back my own findings, I went to the National Sleep Foundations website ( i love there are people that care that much about how you sleep that they are willing to start a foundation!). Well the impact on health is massive, from more car accidents to terrible decision making to loss of brain chemicals- these are just a few of the things that can happen without sleep. I am willing to concede that I've certainly made some terrible decisions from lack of sleep and frankly I can't afford to lose any more brain chemicals, I need all the ones I got, no accidents so far and not driving a car here in NY may be the only reason why. So let's make a pact, nothing gets assessed until we get a decent night's sleep and a nourishing healthy meal- it's the least we can do for all we put ourselves through, don't you think?

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