Thursday, October 9, 2008


When we first begin therapy, we may find out about our NEEDS and that we actually have some and that there's nothing wrong with having them met. It's a great experience to discover that this can actually happen, that you can ask for what you need and receive it. You may ask your spouse to turn off the TV while you are talking or that you need time alone from your friends, and much to your surprise they do it! So you do that for a while and it feels good, and then you forget about it because it becomes second nature over time. You get used to it-you may even plateau at that stage thinking that it's just that easy. Not to say that it isn't, however the topic of NEEDS does get more complicated as we go deeper. Now as we grow we may sometimes find that even when we ask there are certain things that we just cannot seem to get, no matter how hard we try, (i want more money, i want more security, i want to relax, i want to meet that special someone, i want that get the idea). It's a strange thing because here you were getting your needs met and now here you are not getting the things you want. How are they different? you might ask.

So if we break it down, what we may notice is that in the first case we already felt we deserved what we were asking for and so we got it, that's the law of attraction at work. Secondly I want to point out an important characteristic of why certain desires go unfulfilled. If there is an element of A) Not believing that we already have it, you can forget it, we cannot manifest anything we don't already picture having, being or doing and B) when we have urgency around healing, receiving, manifesting, solving, then we are creating a time pressure and that may not be synced up with Divine Timing (the different laws of the universe converging in a timeline). In essence what I am saying is to get what we want we have to both believe we already have it and let go of having it at the same time. No more checking in, No more watching the pot (my personal favorite ax to grind). A simple formula that's quite the challenge but I highly recommend enjoying the process of getting there all the same.

1 comment:

Stephanie McCracken said...

genius. I love to dig up seeds to see if they're growing roots. This, of course slows their process.